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Professional Boundaries in the Performing Arts Studio

The lines between coaching and therapy, emotional support and “meddling”, can sometimes feel extremely precarious in a performing arts studio. This webinar will give you an introduction into the difference between staying true to coaching principles and crossing the line into therapeutic territory (it happens more often than you’d think). What should be our guiding principles as performing arts teachers, how do we spot boundary violations (in both directions!) and last but not least, how can we not only protect our students’, but also our own mental health?

All webinars will be recorded and available on replay for four weeks after you receive the link, so absolutely no problem if you can’t attend live.

After you have registered, you will be added to a mailing list, and you will receive your Zoom link in ample time. For this reason, please make sure your email address on the payment page is correct.

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or more info (5 for 4 discount if you book all events in the series)…

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